Neem honey is a dark honey that has a rich natural dark toffee-gingerbread taste. The distinctive essence of honey is typically warm and enveloping. Its nature crafted taste will guide you to another dimension, charge your body and soul with a yarn of wild sweetness. The honey is kept raw and unheated, preserving all the delicate enzymes and health-promoting qualities derived from the flower essences. It is largely used as a part of Ayurvedic treatments. Neem is considered panacea and having neem honey is a good way to consume it for daily health.
In Ayurveda, neem honey has an esteemed place as it treat blood pressure, diabetes, skin condition, allergies, chronic sores, indolent ulcers, throat infection etc.
It’s a powerful antioxidant, balance sugar level, calm nerves and strengthens immune system.
It’s antibacterial, anti viral and anti fungal properties are useful to treat respiratory problem like asthma and bronchitis.
To increase your immunity and boost energy level take honey before breakfast. You can also eat it by applying it on bread or toast, nuts, cereals etc.
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